A short video that we made last wednesday, with a nice C4 Jeeprun awareness that ED is a disease and is currently easily viagra online Direct Treatment Interventions. . Sorry for the poor editing, well do better next time Recommend on Facebook Tweet about it Subscribe to the comments on this post
Archive for the ‘Featured’ Category
Overminds in 2012

It has been a while since anything was posted on our homepage, over a year in fact and it was only remotely related to the Overminds clan! Well quite a few things have happened this last year. The most important one is that i got a son in june! He is already a gamer even […]
Brettspilling på Sandve

Det siste året har Lars Morten brukt på å pusse opp hjemmet sitt på Sandve, han har derfor vært lite med på spillekvelder i forhold til tidligere. Vi har spillt noen ganger hos familien hans i Kopervik, men ikke hjemme hos han. Nå har dette altså endret seg! Lars Morten har bygget stua si for […]